Sunday, 27 January 2013

Of 红楼梦, 美的觉醒 with 衫蒲爷爷& his 福禄寿 friends...

Just as I am in the midst of figuring out《红楼梦》if I am reading the 古本 or 通行本version, (read more on 《红楼梦》:古本和通行本的故事), I was also reading《美的觉醒》。I realized 蒋勋 probably read the 通行本 when he made a mention in one of the chapters that 贾宝玉 is a reincarnation from the celestial stone... Other sources like this states “賈寳玉由神瑛侍者脱胎而成”. Regardless, my latest fascination is figuring who reads what version of 《红楼梦》, and to figure that out from one of my favorite authors, I simply thought it's pretty cool. One can make a career out of 《红楼梦》and be known as a 红学家. And this gorgeous screen is some findings from some 红学家 about original readings from the 古本.
Finally I am done with《衫蒲康平于亚洲同人的对话-亚洲之书/文字/设计》. Apart from my previous mention, I think I am able to appreciate the Indian designers more than fellow North Asians. Nevertheless, the Indians never fail to impress me with their obsession of their mythical beliefs which is deeply engraved in all aspects of their lives, which in this case, book design. Also, if anyone were to assume the grid systems originate from the west, think again!

Behing the Scenes: Twilight work-in-progress

Prelude to 2013.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Art of Art

My first showcase (with fellow colleagues) in Singapore at The Substation from 4-12 Jan 2013. More pictures on FB.